Animated montage
At left, five of my great grandparents.
lick on one of my five family web pages below.

(Podolia and Volyn:
Zaslav, Krasilov,
Medvedovka, Mikolayev,
Mogilev Podolskiy,
Proskurov, and
nearby towns)

(Plawno, Radomsko,
Przyrów, Mstów,
Przedbórz and Góry Mokre,
Janów, Zarki,
and other towns)

(Istanbul, Gallipoli)
and Alhadef/Hadef (roots in Aleppo)

Research in Poland
CRARG: Czestochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group

Missing people
Can you help me find these missing branches of my family trees??
BRODA--children of Chil-Nusyn Broda, Lewek Broda, Szpryncy Broda, Frajda Itta (Broda) Zylberberg (from Zarki)
ENGLANDER or ENGLENDER--Samuel and Joseph Englander (Chicago/Toronto/New York/Czestochowa)
FRESCO/FRESKO (families from Istanbul)
KAZEZ--Nissim Kazez (Leipzig, Germany/Istanbul)
OFMAN--Gitla and Chaim (Radomsko, Poland)
STROZ-Laja/Leja/Lea (Czestochowa,Poland; Amsterdam, Netherland/Holland)

TELMAN or TALMAN--children and grandchildren of Jankiel Telman (Radomsko, Poland)
ZYLBERBERG--Mendel Mejer Zylberberg and all members of his family (Radomsko and Plawno, Poland)

Daniel Kazez
danielkazez [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor of Music
Wittenberg University
Springfield, Ohio USA